Monday, July 30, 2012


This post is about nails .I did dalmation  what i did for the nails I put white and let it dry and if you don't have one of the prfect circle things just use the end of a paint brush then add black or darck blue spots. good luck.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


My mom just had a birthday and the cake was gluten free.  I made it. It was better then normal cake.  And my family ate the chocolate before the cake. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm on the Big Wide Web!!!

Hey there, I'm Cam of Cam's Glitter World!
I like glitter, the color green, dogs, nail polish, polar bears. I am gluten free, I like all things girly but I love playing softball, soccer, gymnastics and girl scouts.
I am going to write about things that I like and that happen in my life here on Cam's Glitter World so I hope you'll come back soon!

My first day of 2nd grade.